Your family needs an efficient, well-functioning heat pump to keep them comfortable. When your HVAC system begins to struggle to maintain adequate temperature control, you may have to make a hard decision concerning its future usefulness. Keep this info in mind when determining whether it’s time to replace or repair your heat pump in Taylorsville, KY.

System’s Age

Heat pumps can last about 10 to 12 years if they’re in a moderate climate and receive routine maintenance. If your system is older than a decade and starting to struggle to keep up with your needs, it’s likely time for a replacement. Repairs will only delay the inevitable for a few months before the heat pump experiences more issues.

Unit Sizing

Some heat pump issues stem from having the wrong size unit installed in your home. Systems that are too big will short cycle while too-small systems will continually produce heating or cooling. The issues an incorrectly sized system experiences will continue to happen frequently over the years.

You’ll save money by replacing the system entirely rather than trying to keep it going. Properly-sized heat pumps won’t struggle as much with extreme wear and tear.

Overall Energy Efficiency

If your heat pump isn’t quite a decade old but has a low energy efficiency score, replacing it could do wonders for your utility costs in the future. Newer models come with advanced capabilities and technology that make them a great fit for modern on-the-go families.

Cost of Projected Service

HVAC technicians often recommend multiplying the age of your unit by the cost of the repairs. If this number is above $5,000, you’d likely be better off getting a replacement rather than any other temporary service.

When considering whether to replace or repair your heat pump, keep in mind the system’s age, energy efficiency, and sizing. Contact Elder Heating and Air to learn more about our comprehensive range of heat pump services in Taylorsville, KY.

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