Uneven airflow affects the indoor air quality, your HVAC system’s efficiency, and your indoor comfort. Airflow problems can arise from a clogged air filter, blocked vents, and blower motor issues. Below, we will discuss in detail the importance of even airflow in your Middleton, KY home.
Better Indoor Air Quality
According to the EPA, indoor air usually contains more contaminants than outdoor air. These contaminants can cause watery eyes, sore throat, headaches, and a runny nose. These symptoms affect your indoor comfort and may interfere with your concentration if you work from home.
Your HVAC system’s filter helps to improve this situation by catching these contaminants, but air must circulate properly. If the air in one area of your home is stagnant, it may not enter your HVAC system, meaning the HVAC filter will not trap the contaminants in this air.
Consequently, the pollutants in this air will continue to affect your home’s occupants. When your house has even airflow, the air keeps moving, helping the filter to catch the pollutants.
Reduced HVAC Energy and Repair Costs
Uneven airflow translates to hot and cold spots in your house. If one of the warm spots is near your thermostat, the device will prompt the HVAC system to continue running longer than normal. This runs up your electricity bill. It can also cause parts to wear out more quickly due to the increased strain, thus increasing repair costs.
Better Sleep
It may be difficult to enjoy quality sleep during summer if one of the warm spots in your house is your bedroom. A home with even airflow has no hot and cold spots, allowing you to enjoy good sleep.
Contact Elder Heating and Air whenever you are looking for professional HVAC services. We will inspect your home thoroughly to identify and solve the issues causing uneven airflow.
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